X'ian Language (codex)

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Item icon radien4-codex.png
X'ian Language (codex)
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 0
ID radien4-codex
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We are trying to translate the verbal language of the X'i and are failing, for the most part. We do know that their language consists of patterns of weak ultraviolet radiation rather than sound. The clicks and squawks they produce seem to have little effect on what they are saying, and are only there for emphasis. At best, we have a collection of maybe 200 words, but can't pronounce. The actual sounds of their conversation appear to be a curious evolution in their outer shells: When they wish to verbalise sound a thin membrane on the underside of this skin vibrates at ultra-fast frequencies and creates a sound. The frequency itself dictates the pitch. It's quite fascinating. Davin suggests we might try to create a device that can replicate these vibrations rather than rely on our own vocal capabilities when communicating with this unusual race.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool