Godless Entities (codex)

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Item icon kirhos5-codex.png
Godless Entities (codex)
Kirhosi History
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID kirhos5-codex
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For the most part, every known species that has reached the stars has, at some point in their history, believed in some form of deity. Only one known exception exists among organics: The Kirhos. No documented records exist of deification of the sun, moon, or any other force in their ancient past and even their leadership was only ever treated with respect (and not, like most races, veneration and God-status).
As to why this is, none can be certain. It is theorized that the way their brains develop prohibit any capability of entertaining flights of fancy, preferring cold logic to all other means of reasoning. This lack of ability to accept fanciful notions has resulted in centuries of cultural adversity when dealing with the Avian people.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool