Florans Smell Bad (codex)

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Item icon fenerox6-codex.png
Florans Smell Bad (codex)
Fenerox views on Florans
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox6-codex
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Kirhos introduced us to Florans. Unsure why. Seem like us at first, always hunt, always tougher. Except one thing. Plants. How is plants make hunt? Why is plants make hunt? On homeworld, plants is for urine and berries. Not killing.

Floran also talk strange. Referring always to entire race and not self. Why? Explain? None make them change tongue, but Fenerox expected to speak Standard? Explain. Required needed information. Also, meat diet of Florans and being plant, them never need bathe. Smelling like rotten meat all time. We dislike.

But is not mean dislike. Friendly, because hunters. Compete is keen, and makes for good fun. We compete and see who better hunter is.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool