Vel'uuish Society (codex)

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Vel'uuish Society (codex)
The structure of Veluu society.
Category codex
Rarity common
Price 125
ID veluuish4-codex
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The race as a whole is run by a large council of 20 members, and 2 leaders, 10 Kir'vat, and 10 Vat'iish. The leader of the Kir'vat stays on the homeworld, and changes every 4 years through a democratic election. The leader of the Vat'iish, however, changes often.
The Vat'iish have a tradition that any of their faction can become the leader so long as they can defeat the current one in a trial by combat. A challenger must first prove their might in a test decided by the 10 Vat'iish council members, and should they survive, the leader will allow the trial to take place.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool