The Substance (codex)

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The Substance is a strange codex that can be purchased at the Science Outpost and contains somewhat nonsensical writings about some sort of drug, presumably having relation to Elder fluids judging by its description.

Item icon thesubstance-codex.png
The Substance (codex)
A book describing the effects of some sort of substance...
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 25
ID thesubstance-codex
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...and once the dose is sufficient, you'll feel your mind truly open up. It's as if you sort of...boy, is this hard to you enter another dimension. You see fractals, a tunnel of sorts. It swirls in your vision, warping all you see. And then, as you travel through this'll eventually reach the end and break through! And

Imagine falling down a rabbit hole and entering an entirely new world full of color and sound and feeling that makes all of your previous experience feel wrong...inferior. Dead. That's a rough approximation of it,'s far more powerful than even that.

Breaking through is like rebirth. Like someone lifted the veil of reality, and showed you the real world underneath. Everything changes. And I do mean -everything-. You become hyper-aware, and things that were never there before become obvious to you (things you still see even after the effects wear off!) and at long last you know the truth.

That our reality, the one we know and take for a lie. Sound is more real, things are more beautiful (or terrifying) and every sensation is taken to new extremes. In this place...this new space...dimension, whatever...there are beings communicating with you. They seem benevolent, and as if they have something important to tell you.

The speech is impossible to understand, but there seems to be nothing harmful about them (for the most part anyhow. I've heard tales that things can be much darker for those with less stable psyches). For most, its as if you are meeting celestial beings, servants to the Almighty. But no matter what you do, you'll not be able to understand them.

They are just showing you what life can truly be, if you only look. Make no mistake, is most certainly not God. It is something else entirely. Something stranger and ever more bizarre. The greenish-turqoise fluid flows through you, changing you from the inside. Forever. Tests made after the effects wear off show alteration at the genetic

level for most species. The substance itself is synthetic, engineered by living hands, but its origin remains unknown. It simply seems to occur in places around the cosmos without rhyme or reason (and I have heard tales that mixing particular liquids in the right way can even create it...somehow). Three-quarters of its contents remain unknown to science,

composed of elements that remain impossible to identify. From whence did it come? If you opt to ingest this strange liquid...take care. All of this sounds fascinating, I am sure...but once the effects wear off you will forever cease to be who you were before. And you might even start to hear the Call....

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool