About the Hylotl's low numbers... (codex)

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About the Hylotl's low numbers... (codex)
Another part of the truth.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 0
ID randombook18-codex
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So, you know how we pivoted so easily to protecting the Hylotl when the Florans started their war? Well, while we did honestly help defend them, they could've easily kept their numbers as high as they are anyways; we were preventing them from exploding in numbers before the Florans came in and started doing so; we're just preventing the plants from being too aggressive in the population control. Think about it for a bit, and it'll make sense. What do fish and frogs do naturally? Lay a lot of eggs. Hylotl are quite similar in that regard. I'm not sure how there's so many Florans or how more are made, But as for the Hylotl? Eggs out the wazoo.
Next time they whine at you about their numbers, let 'em have that food for thought. Sure, only 15% of the survivors from our constant raiding might've come out the other side of the Hylotl-Floran wars, which means about 10% of the overall population pulled through, but that was still more than enough to defend themselves (with a little bit of assistance, of course) instead of becoming lunch. If our kind starts breaking the treaty we signed, though, there might actually be a reason for them to worry about underpopulation.

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