Travel Log: Penumbra 1 (codex)

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Item icon penumbrabiome1-codex.png
Travel Log: Penumbra 1 (codex)
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 0
ID penumbrabiome1-codex
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Day 1 -

I saw a weird planet on my system scanners and decided to explore it. My SAIL did not know what to make of it, and scanning the planet revealed it to be perpetually in semi-darkness due to the composition of its atmosphere, and also that it had a plethora of ore: Titanium, Thorium, Neptunium, and even some minerals that have never been discovered before. If I could get my hands on some of this stuff, I bet I'd be rich! Atmosphere scans show that other than the strange gasses that prevent light from getting through, the air at ground level is actually breathable and of favorable temperature.

This shouldn't be too bad; just need a good suit of armor and a nice sidearm. I'll keep my homing device ready in case I must beam up fast.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool