Pharitu Life, Part II (codex)

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Item icon pharitu3-codex.png
Pharitu Life, Part II (codex)
Details life as a Pharitu.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID pharitu3-codex
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As time wore on, they learned to harness the power of their Shakta and formed societies with the aid of this power: they learned that through a group-think, they could literally turn stone into nearly impenetrable material capable of withstanding the electricity that for so

long had threatened their safety. Now, their world is covered in bastions of stone craftsmanship the galaxy has never before seen; This led to a rennaisance among their species and has earned them a reputation as the foremost craftsmen in the known universe. If you need

it built to last, then you find a group of Pharitu willing to sell their services. This comes at a price, however - Pharitu have no use for conventional money. Gems are their currency. The rarer, the better. The reason for this is due to their need to constantly fuel their

Shakta, or risk death or insanity. How is this achieved, you wonder? Well, my friend ... this is where things get complicated. I mentioned weather earlier, and that is where we must now return. You see, there are storms on their world which they call Highstorms. On the

surface, these rage like a deadly tempest, threatening to tear even mountains down. But with these storms comes energy. And this energy can be harnessed to infuse gemstones with power they are able to siphon into their own bodies. Their food. The more condensed and rare

the gem, the greater the energy it can hold. And so, on Highstorm days, Pharitu will tunnel towards the surface. There, they will lay their most treasured gemstones, returning later to gather them once the storm has died down. They then carry them wherever they travel

should they ever need to draw forth the energy therein to restore themselves.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool