How is glow thinking? (codex)

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How is glow thinking? (codex)
Fenerox views on Novakid
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox12-codex
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Callix, you not believe me when I write you in new language over ansible! There are thinking light-people! For real! Not like legends, but actual light-people. They always talking in strange accents, and is making dark places not dark. Perhaps is magick? Nice enough, but not try to touch or lick. Warm. Also not like licks, apparently. You come meet me in Protectorate worlds, and I show you light-men. Together we attempt to catch one and make friend!
But we has care to take, because people in new space empire seem not to like when you catch and play with other living things. Also, especially not like when using claws and teeth to play. But even so, come meet. Light-people make life more interesting.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool