Protect Kirhos (codex)

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Protect Kirhos (codex)
Fenerox views on Kirhos and their needs.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox5-codex
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Kirhos make amazing things. We knows this. Them is teaches to speak and write in Galactic Tongue. Us learns, but is hard. But Kirhos lack one thing. Tough. Are weak and fluffy. Prey animals once, maybe. Fenerox tough, and faster. Kirhos talk much. We hunt much. So we hunt for Kirhos.
We never tell Kirhos they is weaker, because they gave us technology and teach us to be better than other Fenerox. Instead, we keep Kirhos alive. In exchange, Kirhos may help Uplift all other Fenerox tribes across galaxy. Everyone benefit. Kirhos protected, We stronger. And then one day, we make Empire. We rule. But no tell anyone. Keeping secret.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool