Experimental Vaccine 8 (codex)

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Item icon greg10-codex.png
Experimental Vaccine (codex)
Volume 4
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID greg10-codex
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Somehow our air system was compromised last night. Air from outside has found its way within the complex. We are all infected with the virus, and are living on borrowed time. The rest of the team agrees that we need to speed up research on Greg's cure.

Two days later, and not a one of us is any more ill. At least half of us should be dead by now, given the track record that the Shaxxral virus has. Something has impeded the capacity it has to affect our cells. Greg still can't communicate with us, but I would wager his cure has something to do with it.

Whatever that fluid did to this agent, I am recommending the destruction of all remaining samples. These are too dangerous to be allowed to survive for further research. I am commencing tests on blood samples obtained from fellow staff members, as we have grown concerned that somehow Greg's experimental prion is spreading.

I don't understand what is happening! Somehow our *other* facilities in entirely different sections of the galaxy are also experiencing the exact same issues. The prion...or whatever it is...is somehow spreading to populations across the vast gulf of space! How this is even possible is utterly beyond my capacity to theorize on.

I've begun to hate. Not people here in the lab. Just...the uninfected. Specifically, I have unavoidable visions of brutally murdering them however I possibly can. It's not unlike having a 'wet dream', and when I awake I feel aroused. The others also remark on having the exact same....dreams? Visions? Either way, we're terrified.

Someone opened the main doors last night. It's out, free, and able to spread. The plus side is that the virus eradicating our people will be cured. Unfortunately, I can make no assurances on long-term implications of what this cure will do to us as a species.

My....mind. Slips. Seeing things I shouldn't. Greg. Hard to formulate thoughts in language. Gregga. Name easier. Feel connected to source virus, like hive mind. Greg. Be Greg.

I...Door...Greg. Gregga greg gregga.

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