Terror-bugs. NO NO NO. (codex)

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Item icon fenerox11-codex.png
Terror-bugs. NO NO NO. (codex)
Fenerox views on Thelusian
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox11-codex
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Okay. Kirhos make first real mistake for Fenerox friends. Introduce to horrifying monster peoples. THERE IS INSECTS WITH THINK, AND THEY HAVE SHIPS FOR PLANET JUMP. THIS NOT GOOD. NO. NO NO NO. Not like at all, and want squash terror-things until terror-things is gone. Kirhos say not worry, as Insect-men stupid alone and need group. BUT THEN THEY HAVE GROUP AND ARE HARDER TO SQUASH. WHY YOU LET THEM GROUP?
If we have say, we ask Protectorate to Illegal the terror-bug-men. Illegal them! Send to place without normal creatures. At home, insect bite is kill. In space, EVERY BUG MAN IS PROBABLY BITE KILL. NO. NO NO NO. NO. Make illegal.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool