Ravager Anatomy: Autopsy Reports III (codex)

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Ravager Anatomy: Autopsy Reports III (codex)
Observations on Ravager Anatomy
Category codex
Rarity common
Price 25
ID fupeglacicannibals3-codex
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Get ready...this one is going to blow your mind, Michael. So, as I mentioned, we found him in a cistern, somewhere around 200 meters away from the location the bones were discovered.

[ Metal Drawer opens ]

Subject is male, approximately 32 years of age. Despite his appearance, genetic testing already confirmed that he is without a doubt...Peglaci. For the record, this is the condition it was found in and has not in any way been tampered with. What you are seeing is real.

The subject has nearly no visible epidermis of his own, as his entire body is encased in a sort of exoskeleton that appears to be composed of jagged bone.

[ a voice asks 'How could he just grow new bone like this? It doesn't make sense. And what the hell is up with all this wire? ]

Valid questions. I suspect the bone issue is like Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva. The rest...I remain clueless.

The barbed wire wraps around most of the few remaining patches with actual visible flesh...which reminds me of self-flaggelation common in many religions across the galaxy. Personally, it is my belief that whoever this was, he was a pious man. Likely fanatical, given the severity of the scar tissue on the flesh sites.

Anyhow, we aren't even getting to the good stuff yet. Check this out.

[ Strange squishing sounds ]
What you are seeing here is...well, I actually have no idea. It's like some sort of gel-sack that has taken the place of a stomach. From within I managed to extract some...interesting things.

I found this in his stomach. It matches Peglaci as well. The remains cannot all be from one individual, as there are three separate left thumbs. So...it seems he was a cannibal. Like the other specimen, there is microscopic writing etched on every millimeter of his entire skeleton. I suspect this is religious text, and that might mean we have stumbled upon what the Peglaci refer to as Ravagers.

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