Uplifting: Phase 1 (codex)

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Item icon fenerox1-codex.png
Uplifting: Phase 1 (codex)
A log on the Kirhosi Uplifting
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox1-codex
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The discovery of this new vein of what appears to be natural tritanium on the third planet of the Rigel Minoris system gives us the perfect chance to attempt an Uplifting. For those among the Kirhosi elite that are not aware, an Uplifting is when we elect to take a minor species and speed up their introduction to the galactic community. We offer them goods and technology in exchange for their resources, and both benefit. As an added bonus, later down the line, we have a valuable new trade partner that may speak on our behalf in the Protectorate Assembly.
How this particular group of Fenerox came to be here is unknown, but they show a capacity above and beyond their kin found on other worlds for technology and language. This has given them a head-start already, and we estimate they will have reached the stars on their own within 200 years anyhow. We will send a ship to help them along in 8 solar cycles. This should give our traders time to prepare sufficient resources to offer them. Hopefully they will be willing to trade their valuable Tritanium, as it will prove exceptionally valuable in fashioning a new line of FTL drives for Ark Fleet Cassini.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool