Peacekeeper Codex: Peglaci Origins (codex)

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Peacekeeper Codex: Peglaci Origins (codex)
An account of the origins of the Peglaci.
Category codex
Rarity common
Price 25
ID fupeglaciorigins-codex
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Other races may seek for ages the mystery of their origins. Not so for we Peglaci. Our history is kept eternal both through digital storage and stories. And even more important, song. To us, song is memory. We record our history into our minds and our souls through voice, and these vibrations pass from Mother to Whelp with each spawning season.

In our distant past, the Peglaci were an apex carnivore, hunting (and being hunted by) whales that were our chief source of food. Of tool use we knew nearly nothing. Our lives were nomadic, where we gathered in hunting bands, raiding other groups and running off with their young. We were savage, relentless and without mercy. That may be what attracted the Wanderers to our world in the first place.

One day, a great light came down from the sky upon our ancestors - the Wanderers. Over the course of several centuries they guided our species from savagery to civilization, and we were more than willing to do whatever they asked as thanks for their gifts. They were more than happy to abuse our dependence on them, using us as they saw fit to achieve their ends. The price was small for the gains we obtained.

The Wanderers answered nothing we thought to ask, so we were encouraged to push ourselves forwards. We did as we were told - what could we give a race such as theirs? What threat could we pose? So, we strove to live up to their intentions for us, however murky they may have seemed. Over time our people thrived, and eventually became complacent.

As it is with all beings that are happy and need not struggle to survive any longer, we began to question our place in the cosmos and how we got here..and wondered exactly who the Wanderers were. We pressed them for information, and got nothing. Not even a reply. It was at this time that the Wanderers ordered that we eliminate our newest generation to make room for more 'compliant' offspring.

Only at this point did we think to question our overlords. Only when ordered to murder millions of children did we even consider that they might not be benevolent after all. We had committed horrible acts for them previously, yes. But never had they asked us to kill our own kind. We refused. The penalty was severe.

Three billion were killed by the Wanderers in one single day. They simply launched rocks at the surface of our homeworld from orbit, letting the mass do the damage...and then left us. All they left us were their artifacts, their databanks, and their fascination with the unknown.

How to obtain


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