Slow To Act (codex)

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Item icon pharitu7-codex.png
Slow To Act (codex)
Details life as a Pharitu.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID pharitu7-codex
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Pharitu are a 'slow' race in that they rarely rush to accomplish tasks, and are the sort to think of every potential outcome before committing to a decision. Every act a Pharitu performs is calculated and thought on (likely a holdover from a hostile environment where one

wrong tunneling gesture could cause a catastrophic collapse). Some have whispered that their psionic capabilities include the ability to see (in a limited capacity) into the future. This has led to fear and misunderstanding of them among many of the other races, moreso the younger

ones like Fenerox and Humans. However, if this is true no Pharitu has confirmed it. In order to directly communicate with a Pharitu, there are requirements to be met. First, you must have earned their trust. In and of itself, this is a challenge. They are not quick to trust, and

view 'fast' races with caution, for hasty decisions can lead to bad ends (at least by their perspective). Once you do earn their trust, however, you will know it immediately. They will offer an infused gemstone. If you accept, they will be able to channel their Shakta into your own

mind and communicate directly to you via telepathy. There is no need for a translator, as far as we have ever seen. This communication appears to be flawless with any species they choose to speak to, including even Thelusians and Tenebrhae.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool