She (codex)

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Item icon funightarhistory2-codex.png
She (codex)
Anecdotes about Nightar Life
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID funightarhistory2-codex
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There are mysteries to the Nightar I have recently discovered, though I fought tooth and nail for nearly twenty years to even gain enough trust to ask. I have elected to mark down the information for preservation. It will benefit us all to better understand this enigmatic people and their way of life away from sunlight the rest of us take for granted.

We non-Nightar have often wondered why the Fulgrat, despite being publicly referred to as their leader, has nothing whatsoever to do with territorial disputes, economics, trade or lawmaking...or any true requirements to keep a civilization going. The reason is simple: The Fulgrat is their military General only. The true political pull among the Nightar comes from the females.

More specifically, from She, the Great Matriarch, Avemnedara, Mistress of the Way...many names are given to She that Rules. The womenfolk are the only ones permitted to speak of her, or even refer to her. Males who do so must be cleansed through ritual combat followed by Conshak, a 'transfer of energy' from Beyond and into the warrior.

How the current Matriarch is chosen is completely unknown, as the women would never tell a male such as myself how their most private sisterhood operates. They speak only that she is the Word, and the Guide, and that Her way is the true path. Through She, they are One. So long as ones fealty is sworn to Her the Burrow is safe. This seems to be sufficient explanation to them.

Any further pressing for information about this Matriarch is met with nothing but silence. I dare not press deeper, as the menfolk have been eyeing me up for the last several days. One faux-pas and I could find myself tossed into a duel I cannot possibly win with one of their highly skilled swordsmen.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


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