Tenebrhaeic Origins (codex)

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Item icon shadow3-codex.png
Tenebrhaeic Origins (codex)
Exploring the strangeness of the Tenebrhae
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID shadow3-codex
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One of the strangest and most enigmatic of the major races is without doubt the living shadow-things we call the Tenebrhae. Hailing from the darkest worlds, they are quite literally the essence of shadow given form. It defies all known logic and science, leading many to wonder if they may be some fragment of a literal greater power. All we know for certain is that they are all connected on some level we cannot begin to comprehend.

This means that every single one of them knows the rest, perhaps even intimately. There are no strangers among their kind, but likewise, no real known language either. They speak, but not in a way that makes sense to most. Often it takes the form of what we would refer to as riddles, if they speak at all. They'll answer questions with questions (or not answer at all, or will answer in a way that baffles us. Most often, by

responding in the affirmative or negative to questions that have no yes or no answer). This species, likewise, appears impossible to anger. They do not fight amongst themselves, and will almost never lash out at others without good reason. They do not display any outward emotion that we can define, leading many to believe they are mindless automatons that serve a single Hive Mind at their center. This is false, however, as they

are each an individual despite all outward indications to the contrary. To avoid exaggerations: Every act they commit is to better the whole of their kind. Emotion, apparently, is not something they feel compelled to waste time on.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool