Ravager Anatomy: Autopsy Reports (codex)

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Item icon fupeglacicannibals2-codex.png
Ravager Anatomy: Autopsy Reports (codex)
Observations on Ravager Anatomy
Category codex
Rarity common
Price 25
ID fupeglacicannibals2-codex
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Genetically speaking, this specimen is a Peglaci in almost every way. He was born among his people, had a normal childhood, and his bones show no evidence of deformity or health complications. At least, not until the very outer layers.

You see, it seems that at some point this gentleman was either abducted or accepted within a new tribe. Within this new family he underwent some sort of...surgery? I'm not sure what to call it, really. Note in image 7c how the striations suddenly adjust? This is indicative of sudden genetic alteration.

Only two known procedures exist in the present day that can accomplish this, and both are excruciating beyond capacity to tolerate and thus outlawed on every civilized world save for Halsev IV, where to this day all acts except murder and extortion are legal. Neither procedure can be done this well.

Take a closer look at the bone now. No, zoom in more, Michael. There you go. Look at the cell wall.

[audible gasping, and an unintelligible reply]

Right? They somehow were able to etch entire volumes of text into the bone, through the epidermis and muscle, in perfect detail.

It gets weirder though, Michael. We found the remains of another one in a cistern not far away. It had been hastily 'stored' there, after it had been killed. I suspect there is good reason for this, after performing an autopsy. This is one bizarre Peglaci. We'll discuss him next.

[ Tape Ends ]

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