Pharitu Space Travel, Part II (codex)

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Item icon pharitu5-codex.png
Pharitu Space Travel, Part II (codex)
Details life as a Pharitu
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID pharitu5-codex
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Interestingly, Pharitu can supercharge particular crystals to act as a fuel source for ships as well as shape it into protective coating able to withstand even the most hostile cosmic environments. Thanks to this material they are able to traverse through

nebulae that would prove lethal to most other races (even X'i are not capable of resistance in this degree!). No other species has learned the secret to the production of this nearly magical mineral despite every effort to do so. Some even claim that there

is no possible way for this to be acheived, and that there must be some secret the Pharitu are not sharing to completing the process. We'll likely never know the secret, and virtually all attempts at getting this race to share it have failed.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool