Darkness, Shadow and Nightmares (codex)

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Item icon funightardoc3-codex.png
Darkness, Shadow and Nightmares (codex)
The Dangers of the Dark
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID funightardoc3-codex
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Even the Nightar can fear the dark - their people had to contend with all sorts of unusual creatures in their subterranean homes deep below the surface. The Byak prowled the shadowy places between Baronies, a terror to all but the most skilled among them (and often used as a test for young warriors to prove their value). Legends say that Byak monsters would kidnap the weak among them and siphon their lifeblood slowly until the victim became a Byak themselves, corrupting
the blood of their family as well as the purity of their Blades. I later learned that 'Byak' is the Nightar approximation for what we all affectionately refer to as Flesh Reapers, which immediately made it evident that such legends are credible. I wonder, then, what it was like to be a Nightar child in those times hearing tales of nightmare beasts stalking the shadows while being unable to escape into the glory of the sunshine we so take for granted among Humanity.

I doubt many other races would stand the test of time under the ground for so long, without the freedom of open fields and the warmth of a summer day. I get claustrophobia just thinking about it...

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool