Classified document. 11 - 2 - XX (codex)

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Classified document. 11 - 2 - XX (codex)
U.S.C.M. Final report by Cpt. M.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 0
ID randombook14-codex
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This document is only meant to be viewed by U.S.C.M bio-engineering staff of classification level 5 or higher. In the events this document is read by other eyes, it is meant to be destroyed. If you, are reading this, without being of any classification, you are about to uncover some truths.

09 - 4 - XX,05:00 AM

A product case was suggested to the head of the leading science and recreation division of the science outpost, the location of which is disclosed to anyone without a direct invitation to the facility, or with means to contact them otherwise. Dr. V. was asked to conduct advisory roles for the development of project Termite Hill,

for the U.S.C.M. Termite hill is a classified project, but as this is a final report on the matter, I will be honest. We tried to make humans more disposable as before, by making - imperfect - clones. Clones close to humankind but in multiple ways genetically different so those soldiers would not be able to be traced back to us, nor mankind. An elite

task force, with no name, no past, no future. Production went well.

22 - 6 - XX

The production passed its testing phase with flying colors, the clones were brought up from infantile sizes to full-grown produce. Trained in black ops combat, and tested against small villages of hostile alien species. Most of which unknown to the united federation of

space inhabitants. Those that are known are the [REDACTED].

13 - 7 - XX

Dr. V was disclosed from the project at his request, every involvement is erased and any technology provided reproduced. As such, efficiency in productivity dropped by 22%. But it was a sacrifice we were willing to take. Dr. V never spoke a word about it since.

08 - 8 - XX

Our badly reproduced machinery have created a heat-signature strong enough to pass through our reinforced walls of the underground base on planet [REDACTED] - A Floran Armada picked up on the signature and invaded, making short work of the unprepared minimal security force, and several of the scientists on the work floor. Only a handful, including

myself, escaped with our lives, and only minor injuries. We lost the project and our facility to the Florans that very day.

Present Day

We have seen that several new food items have been universally spread by Floran distributors. Prepared human-like faces, and baby-heads on a stick. The baby heads have an exact match with the scrambled DNA sequence we had given the clones. It is clear what happened to our facility, and its clear what the Floran have turned it into. To this day, no-one has linked it back to humankind, nor the U.S.C.M

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