Standing Orders: Ravagers (codex)

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Standing Orders: Ravagers (codex)
Standing orders regarding what to do should you encounter savage Peglaci Ravagers.
Category codex
Rarity common
Price 25
ID fupeglacicannibals-codex
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Ravagers must be treated with extreme caution. You probably won't encounter them unless you seek them out in the asteroid fields dotting the galaxy, but occasionally they will raid settlements for... prey.

Ravagers care nothing for the well-being of others, or really even of themselves - all they desire is the forcible 'improvement' of their kind. Should you attempt to take out one of their bases of operation, be prepared to encounter a variety of sickening experiments.

There have even been reports that some of them have undergone some sort of... secondary metamorphosis. They're said to be faster, stronger and smarter than the average Peglaci. Approach with extreme caution - or when heavily armed.

Do not allow the promise of wealth sway you - while their collection of treasures and artifacts is surely potentially valuable, so too is their depravity and cruelty.

How to obtain


Treasure pool