The Masters of Microchips (codex)

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Item icon kirhos1-codex.png
The Masters of Microchips (codex)
Kirhosi History
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID kirhos1-codex
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Some hundreds (or thousands...the records are unclear on this point) of years ago, the Kirhos had advanced to the absolute pinnacle of scientific and technological achievement. Unfortunately, around the same time, they exhausted all resources on their homeworld required to utilize their knowledge. What followed was a series of brutal wars that devastated their infrastructure and led to them fleeing for the stars.
The loss of their homeworld and its resources meant that the only known location of the super-rare element Thulium was forever lost. Thulium formed the core of all of their computer technology and without it they were unable to maintain their previous level of advancement. It was a century, perhaps longer, before a viable replacement was located deep in the asteroid belts near Azakon Reticuli.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool