Pharitu Space Travel, Part I (codex)

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Pharitu Space Travel, Part I (codex)
Details life as a Pharitu
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID pharitu4-codex
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As for their first forays into space, we should be envious. Using their Shakta, a Pharitu is able to shape more than just stone. It turns out they are capable psionics, and can utilise these 'powers' to communicate into the minds of others via telepathy (unsettling

but that is how every Pharitu communicates with others), or with each other over extreme distances (at great drain to their Shakta, mind you) shape stone and metal, and even create constructs of solid matter capable of acting as fuel for ships - ships, made of material

they themselves moulded with their minds. Most use standard metals and stones out of simple access to materials, but wealthier Pharitu (or ones with abnormally large Shakta) are keen on creating ships out of less common materials. It is not unheard of to see ships made of

exotic materials found on other worlds through their travels. I once met one who had created a ship entirely from wood and seashells. While they -can- propel their ships with their Shakta, most prefer standard methods to save them the need to constantly eat (I can imagine how

aggravating it would be to need thousands of pounds of gemstones just to fuel a short foray among the stars). Thus, they are keen to trade on the galactic market to obtain parts needed to create 'ordinary' ship parts. This is not too big a hassle for them due to their lack

of need for standard pixels. Should they find themselves without coin, however, they -always- have gems on hand to sell (though most are loath to do so unless absolutely necessary).

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool