The Shadow Walkers (codex)

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Item icon funightarhistory1-codex.png
The Shadow Walkers (codex)
Anecdotes about Nightar Life
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID funightarhistory1-codex
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The Nightar are actually pre-disposed to extreme xenophobia at the genetic level. They fear the unknown in ways we don't fully understand. Imagine what it is like to hate and fear sunlight! It is in our ignorance of that life that the Nightar gain their power in the political spectrum. Their dislike of the light keeps them well away from affairs of state for other species, always quiet in the background. At home in the dark, they excel at stealth in ways the rest of us simply cannot match. This has led to them knowing many secrets of the various players in galactic politics >
though they would never disclose this fact (both out of respect and for their own survival). If you cross a Nightar who has taken a keen liking to less 'savory' sorts of work...hire them, before your enemies do. A word of advice: Trade with these people using metal coinage rather than electronic funds, and pay up front. Their people adore metal due to complex socioeconomic reasons on their homeworld.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool