Arcologies (codex)

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Item icon kirhos2-codex.png
Arcologies (codex)
Kirhosi History
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID kirhos2-codex
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The Kirhos are fiercely individualistic. Kirhosi governments were always mostly powerless, and in this age of colonization the Kirhos that hold the most power are the ones who can afford to build artificial ecosystem-cities called arcologies.

'Arcs', as they are colloquially known, are often owned by a single corporation. Inhabitants of an arc are expected to work for their patron corporation for life, and in return are paid well enough to consume all the latest corp-sponsored entertainment.

Many older arcology residents hold dreams of one day becoming a corporate executive, or even leaving to start their own. Young Kirhos, however, hold no such ideas; counter-culture is thriving to a point where mass teenage rebellion is expected. However, most teenagers who ditch their home eventually return to another arcology, preferring the doldrums of civilization to the danger of exploration.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool