The Profit Motive (codex)

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Item icon kirhos6-codex.png
The Profit Motive (codex)
Kirhosi History
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID kirhos6-codex
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Although the Kirhos have their share of sculptors, engineers, and mercenaries, they are perhaps best known as traders. Kirhosi vessels are welcome in many places, for they bring delightfully disruptive theories of government, fossilized fragments of time, and densinium-forged surgical tools; they bring wild-eyed weapons that speak. If you can describe it, so they say, there is a Kirhos who is willing to sell it to you.

In the ordinary course of things, the Kirhos accept barter for payment. They claim that it is a language that even the universe understands. They've spent a great deal of time to attempting to justify the profit motive in view of conservation laws. Most of them converge comfortably on the position that profit is the civilized response to entropy. The traders themselves vary, as you might expect, in the rapacity of their bargains. But then, as they often say, value is contextual.

The Kirhos do have a currency of sorts : their FTL drives. The Kirhos produce a number of them in order to power their various Arcologies among the stars. He with the greatest Drives has the greatest reach. Or so says their wisdom, anyhow.

When the Kirhos determines that it is necessary to pay or be paid in this currency, they will spend months — sometimes years — refitting their vessels as necessary. Thus every trader is also an engineer. The drives’ designers made some attempt to make the drives modular, but this was a haphazard enterprise at best.

One Kirhosi trader wrote of commerce between universes, which would require the greatest stardrive of all. The Kirhos do not see any reason they can't bargain with the universe itself, and are slowly accumulating their wealth toward the time when they can trade their smaller coins for one that will take them to this new goal. They rarely speak of this with outsiders, but most of them are confident that no one else will be able to outbid them.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool