Atropus: Worlds of Meat (codex)

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Item icon atropusbiome-codex.png
Atropus: Worlds of Meat (codex)
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 0
ID atropusbiome-codex
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Little is known of what have been dubbed 'Atropus' worlds. The reference to atrophy is apt, for the innate strangeness of these celestial bodies cause murmurs of fear in every known species inhabiting the galaxy. Many theorize these fleshy worlds are sapient. Preposterous, but people will always be superstitious. Still, one must give credit where it is due: These places are unsettling.
The stench can only be tolerated for so long. Eventually the rankness permeates even the most adequate protections. At that point it becomes almost impossible to keep a mask on. Involuntarily, you will eventually try to pry it off, despite knowing the air makes you crazy. The team has dubbed it 'the meat fever' and it is liable to be the death of us if care is not taken.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool