Travel Log: Penumbra 5 (codex)

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Item icon penumbrabiome5-codex.png
Travel Log: Penumbra 5 (codex)
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 0
ID penumbrabiome5-codex
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Day 5 - Yuck. While trying to get away from the sea of transparent metal, I found myself in another cave system, the floor of which oddly did not absorb my light like the rock had before. I probably should have been more careful, but one step on this stuff, and I found myself sliding down a steep incline, and when I landed, I bounced around the room several times and wound up face-first in some of the most disgusting tar-like substance I've ever seen! I managed to somehow crawl out of the junk and back up onto more rock.
Whatever that stuff was I now I feel sick in the stomach. I already threw up twice. I need to get back out of here...back to the surface. It gets worse by the moment, and unless I get help I fear I may die.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool