Wine (codex)

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Item icon mantizi4-codex.png
Wine (codex)
Just a hunch: It's about wine.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 1
ID mantizi4-codex
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...long held as the finest wine in the known galaxy, Mantizian vineyards are viewed with utmost respect by virtually all respected wine connosieurs. Few are those among the elite who are not familiar with the narcotic qualities of these wines. Highly sought, their value on the black market is insultingly astronomical.

For the Mantizi themselves, however, the wine is simply delicious. Their natural immunity to the toxin common in the grapes they use gives them no ill effects. Meanwhile, Avians are well-known to be especially susceptible. Most Mantizi hoard a few bottles at any given time (if they have access to stores of them in their family holdings) but are loathe to part with them. In some of the more lawless sectors, Mantizi are captured and 'inspired' by pirates into 'donating' their supply.

Were it not for the recent collapse of the Mantizi Empire, this would not be the case. Supply and demand is a cruel mistress, and demand has long since outstripped supply.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool