Storage Bays (codex)

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Item icon kirhos3-codex.png
Storage Bays (codex)
Kirhosi History
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID kirhos3-codex
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Few things are 'sacred' to the Kirhos in the traditional sense, save for information. The most valuable thing to any Kirhos is any data that belonged to their people in ages long past. These are exceptionally rare, occasionally found on discs and hard-drives scattered throughout space.
A single data-disc is worth a fortune to a Kirhos, and anyone with information leading to their large collections of data (known as Storage Bays, Data-Centers or Omega Servers depending on who you ask) will be compensated with wealth beyond imagining...provided the Kirhos in question is wealthy enough to accomplish this.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool