The Agarans (codex)

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The Agarans (codex)
A detailed examination of Agarans
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 200
ID agarans-codex
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The origin of the Agaran species has long been disputed. There are many factors at play in the ongoing argument, but the largest contributor to their mystery is how they disperse themselves through the cosmos. While the rest of us require ships and technology, Agarans are able to simply emit a spore cloud and eventually some will find their way through the atmosphere due to their unusually resilient structure.

Even more unusual is how difficult these spores are to even examine! The structure of these spores is ever-shifting which makes any detailed analysis slow-going. We've been able to come to several conclusions based on the evidence presented thus far however:

- All Agarans are quite fatally affected by any atmosphere lacking nitrogen. Any such place results in their eventual suffocation, and that's if they are able to survive the blistering that accompanies it (both interally and externally). - An Agaran is not merely hard to understand - their ability to create sounds relies on swift vibrations that creates a hum-like sound. Our translators are not able to mimic these tonal emissions. This makes the species quite unintelligible. - They are linked directly to Florans at the genetic level, despite having a completely re-arranged set of internal organs (and some new organs the purpose of which we can only guess). It is believed that spores affected Florans, and genetically mutated their hosts bodies. - The spores emitted from an Agaran are able to track sources of warm moisture (especially blood) from several kilometers away and use wind to reach their target. While not sapient, it is most certainly some sort of behavior previously not displayed by this sort of organism.

The spores emitted by these creatures can prove exceptionally fatal, and any individual killed by these spores will become a host to a parasite within. This parasite will immediately 'hijack' the hosts central nervous system. At this point the Agaran conciousness is born. I advise any explorers that notice a clan of this species to stay clear for this reason. There are tales of entire colonies being decimated in a matter of days by spore clouds.

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