Sky Gods Come (codex)

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Item icon fenerox2-codex.png
Sky Gods Come (codex)
A book detailing the Kirhosi Uplifting
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox2-codex
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From sky come God Rodents! Bringing much of magickal! Boats fly in sky, bows with no arrow. Shoot light! How? Them is offer us, and we is accept. All they wants is stupid rocks. Why want rocks? Not know, but us not anger sky rodents. Giving rocks. Us get magick bows and sky boats as thanks! Is Good!
Confusion is happen later. Asking about eekonimy? Us not know. Give more rocks. Get more bows. Easier. Them is teaching speak and write in their language, says is 'Galaktig Standurd Tung' and us should learn to do. We learn. Is hard, many new shapes and sounds. Prefer using old ways for speak.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool