Efficiency In Battle (codex)

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Item icon thelusian7-codex.png
Efficiency In Battle (codex)
Thelusian Life Vol 7
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID thelusian7-codex
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While rather dim-witted on their own, as a large group they almost seem to be of a singular mind, and this level of teamwork makes them scary indeed when it comes to warfare. During the defense of their world Crenshaw IX against the Florans, they decimated the opposition in a matter of minutes using constantly shifting formations not unlike moving fractal patterns.

This mistake was repeated once more by the Apex, fifty years later, in their ill-advised expansion attempt into Thelusian territory. Since then, none have dared to challenge them in open warfare. There are other reasons to fear them beyond just instantaneous formation adjustments. Imagine a foe where, if you cut off two of his limbs...he simply wouldn't consider it

a terribly unfortunate thing? He's still got several more limbs and every one of them is capable of killing you despite the injuries you've caused. Now multiply this foe by ten million. Now put a squad of rookies with weapons of any sort in the midst of that. How do you see it going?

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool