Holy Scripture of Arvokk (codex)

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Holy Scripture of Arvokk (codex)
Really long and boring.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 0
ID randombook6-codex
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Some believe they came from elsewhere. Another universe, subspace...whatever. I say nonsense to this. Nonsense! Only the Pure can come from beyond! Precursors are unholy abominations. Enablers of the Ancients. Slayers of Worlds. A pox upon their kind! A pox of our design.

Instead, turn your attention to those who came before, and gaze upon their spendour as they gnash and devour the order of things and give rise to the glorious cadence cast by absolute entropy. True chaos. Smile, and be reborn as they wipe clean your mortal mind. Be laid bare before their might and have all that you were before purged! Let Them change you.

First, you must gather the artifacts and drive them into the Cazl Tide. There they will grow and become the Devourer. Only then can you birth the Watcher from the stygian blackness beyond time and space. Through him, we will be torn asunder...and the death of the universe will give rise to a new one. Its newborn form, however, is fragile.

To protect the Stillborn God, you must call upon the cleansing power of Yaz'guul and drench the bones of Uniadelz'ik in the rendered fat of a Diluvian. Should no Diluvians remain in existence, instead you must locate a place known as Maine, on a planet known as Earth. There you shall find a town known as Innsmouth. Seek the temple. The blood of Dagon is required.

With the blood secured, then you must drink of it under the light of a Reinkarrd moon. Sadly, these occur only within the event horizon of black holes sufficiently aged. Should you locate one, you may proceed to the next step...[well over 2,000 pages remain. The first half of this process ends on page 800. Reading more would be pointless].

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool