Pharitu Life, Part I (codex)

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Pharitu Life, Part I (codex)
Details life as a Pharitu.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID pharitu2-codex
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The Pharitu in ancient times had it rough. Their world was once calm, but due to unknown geological causes it moprhed into one of the most electrically potent places in the known universe. To stand a chance of survival the species was forced to adapt rapidly or face certain extinction.

Forced underground just to survive, the Pharitu did indeed begin to change. Over the course of only a few thousand years, they begin to exhibit unusual capabilities that have thus far not been replicated by any known creatures in the galaxy.

Their minds possess exceptional powers capable of projecting through most stone when fueled by energy from their Shakta, the natural gem formations that contain the essence which fuels their lives. Through this energy they can 'cut' into stone

allowing them the ability to shape it as no other known species can. Stories telling of the beauty these beings are able to create through sculpture cannot be overstated: what they can create borders on the impossible.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool