Experimental Vaccine 1 (codex)

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Item icon greg3-codex.png
Experimental Vaccine (codex)
Volume I
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID greg3-codex
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The plague has torn through our people like wheat to a scythe, and it's been particularly difficult to reach the point we finally did today. Greg found a cure! Or, rather, a potential one. We're going to try it on the rat-things today and begin observation. It should be noted that initial trials on genes in the lab were successful, though the method of transmission is unclear.

Subject rat C7 appears to be fine, and even the blistering lesions are rapidly fading. Finally, a result we can work with! I do wonder how Greg solved the issue with the prion being so aggressive. He swears he didn't use the strange fluid we found on that moon orbiting Coronis IV. I am uncertain that I believe this, as Greg is not exactly the sort to accept delays on his results.

We've re-integrated the rat into the general population to see what happens. Should normal rat behavior resume, we'll know the cure functions and can begin mass-production and hopefully save our people. Should the results not be favorable...I fear we may be too late.

Normal rat socialization appears to be taking place, and our ill rat is completely free of the viral load he was carrying. Greg has done some good work here! We're going to observe and record until absolutely certain that the results are working to our favor.

Every single rat in the enclosure appears to have died in agony. Their corpses are all over the enclosure, some in various states of....we'll just call it decay. C7 is the sole survivor of this event, and is apparently the cause of death. Somehow.

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