Subspecies of Thelusian (codex)

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Item icon thelusian5-codex.png
Subspecies of Thelusian (codex)
Thelusian Life Vol 5
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID thelusian5-codex
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We know of several breeds of Thelusian. The most common, seen all over the galaxy now, are Workers. They explore, collect and collate data for the Hive Queen. Warriors are second most common, and are typically found in mercenary companies or employed by wealthy clients.
Then, you have Drones who have one single function: Breed. They are expendable and left to die at the end of every breeding cycle outside of the hive. Finally, the Queen rules the roost. We don't know if there is a single queen for all Thelusians or if each hive has a unique Queen. They aren't telling, and we've no way to know otherwise.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool