Reinventing History (codex)

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Item icon randombook4-codex.png
Reinventing History (codex)
Surprising discoveries in Ancient Lore
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 0
ID randombook4-codex
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Reading through historical documents has revealed an astonishing truth: The Ancients were an artificial race, built from energized stone and often stationed as sentries. We can't be sure who or what made them, but we are one hundred percent certain they did not simply come about from nowhere. No, these stone goliaths were built by hand, designed to replicate themselves and protect their creators.
We even found prototype blueprints in these texts. This is a huge game changer! Our entire view on these mysterious beings has been flipped upside down. Now a greater question remains... where did they go?

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool