Travel Log: Penumbra 3 (codex)

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Item icon penumbrabiome3-codex.png
Travel Log: Penumbra 3 (codex)
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 0
ID penumbrabiome3-codex
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Day 3 -

I found a small natural cave system, and decided to take a rest. The rock found on these planets is unusually hard, and it has this weird property that absorbs light. Even shining my flashlight directly at this rock, I can't see very much of anything around me as the rock appears to eat the light coming out of my flashlight. I lit a campfire in here, after I felt a breeze slipping through the cracks, hopefully I don't choke myself with the smoke. I can see more caves below, I'll explore those in a minute.

This place is fascinating, I'm definitely saving these coordinates to come back here later. I just want a sample of this ore SAIL told me about...

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool