X'i: Uncovering Truths II (codex)

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Item icon radien2-codex.png
X'i: Uncovering Truths II (codex)
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 0
ID radien2-codex
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X'i deny the idea of a Cultivator creating the six races. They are staunch advocates of evolution and all it represents scientifically. Studying their history books, we find no mention of a Cultivator, but plenty of mention of a great 'CREATOR'. The name is disputed, though Kenvik Raeis (noted scholar of some repute, having literally written the book on inter-species relations in the Protectorate) believes its name translates to 'Xuveh'. In his latest paper, Kenvik Raeis of the Peglaci Triosin Institute questions the validity of this legend insofar as truth is concerned. It bears all the markers of traditional mythological tales, though there is little doubt that there are direct references to several races directly (by name) long before space travel would have been possible for many of them. As such, he affirms the common belief that the X'i predate most galactic civilizations as undeniable.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool