At One with the Shadows (codex)

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At One with the Shadows (codex)
A document that details Nightarian life.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID funightardoc1-codex
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'From the Twilight Halls we rose, and to them we shall all return.' ; Such was the wisdom the Elder of the Vyanit Clan imparted to me when I asked him why his people lived in such dark and poisonous places. His meaning was understood only after several weeks among his people.

The Nightar are a curious lot. Their entire culture is rooted around moon phases and darkness, due to their innate sensitivity to all forms of natural light. Similar to the unusual allergy to sunlight some humans (according to documentation) suffer from, a Nightar cannot function properly when

bathed in the natural light of the sun. This has led to many cultural peculiarities (especially in regards to religion. They are the only known race that villifies solar aspects, rather than deifying them). Take, for instance, their marriage ceremony. It is customary to engage in a 'life-bonding'

only during a moonless night, lest any influence of the suns vile power cause ruination of the union. A bride and groom are forbidden from consummating their union if any (even the slightest bit) of sunlight bathes a horizon. Exceptions are made for any mooned night where the satellite is a

half-moon or smaller. It is believed that their offspring will be cursed and that their flesh will be 'tanned and as of the leathered beasts that walk the surface'. Note that this does not apply to every single one of them, but most agree with their cultural history in

this regard. Even creatures that walk on the surface of a planet during the sunlight hours are viewed with absolute disdain and superstitious fear by the more zealous of their kind. Those who do not practice their religions are still distrustful of such creatures, especially those which are particularly fluffy.

Likewise, it is believed that butterflies are messengers of the Great Light, and are associated with spectres, demons and their version of Death.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool