The Pharitu Homeworld (codex)

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Item icon pharitu1-codex.png
The Pharitu Homeworld (codex)
Regarding the Pharitu homeworld.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 300
ID pharitu1-codex
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The homeworld of the unusual race known as the Pharitu is a hostile and hellish place, where survival on the surface is nearly impossible for any other known intelligent species. Extremophiles able to withstand vast electric discharges fatal to most species are the

only real exception to this, and even they have issues with the atmospheric conditions. In fact, so hostile is the environment that even the Pharitu themselves stick to subterranean regions except during very specific weather conditions (more on this later, as this is an entire

chapter in and of itself). Few species can truly appreciate the toil of their daily existence (less problematic now than it was millenia ago). Suffice to say, nearly nobody has ever visited this world due to most technology being at great risk of overloading in the atmosphere,

and most that have attempted to do so have met an ill end. For those wishing to play at diplomacy with this species: invite them to -you- instead. It beats being eradicated via exceptionally devastating electric discharges.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool