Why Cat No Hunt? (codex)

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Why Cat No Hunt? (codex)
Fenerox views on Vel'uuish
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox20-codex
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Met fluffy cat. They called Vel'uuish. Silly name. They is not hunters. Not know why. They is have sharp claws and teeths. They use hard paper. Not know why when steel better. Cat talk too much; Thinky too much. Not fully trust. Cat seem to get inside head somehow to talk. Is hurt head when thinky too much.
Cat show us more book than creepy thinky-fish. Not interest us. We not know why cat not is hunter like us. Cat use odd crystals like lizards. Creepy. Kirhos say cat good trader, so we respect. Us not understand why hunty-looking cat not hunt. They not even want Avians. …Tasty birds. Mmmm... Cats like tasty birds, but not hunt them... Can kill them... but not... Why?

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool