About Horkul-Vanting (codex)

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About Horkul-Vanting (codex)
Effective immediately for all corporations.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 25
ID kirhos7-codex
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It has come to the attention of the Grand Arcological Assembly that no fewer than two-hundred-sixteen corporate entities are responsible for over-Vanting of the Horkulbeast lanes near Shivantius Yeltz. As per provision 12, clause 452, section 12 paragraph 3: 'any corporation engaged in over-vanting of the Horkul will be held accountable under sustainability laws set forward by Governor Larviet Snozz in Trade Year 412, Era 9.' Any companies continuing in irresponsible harvesting of this rare resource will pay fines in excess of 914 quadrillion Credits.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool