Vorgeth Cygna Doctrine (codex)

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Item icon mantizi5-codex.png
Vorgeth Cygna Doctrine (codex)
Detailed military doctrine of the fallen Mantizi empire.
Category codex
Rarity legendary
Price 1
ID mantizi5-codex
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Page 82: There are few things as important as the shield wall, and repeated drills are required until such time as the unit is perfectly synced. They must move as one, turn as one. Each thrust with the Light Spear should be done through the opening, never dropping the guard. Should the wall falter, the entire formation will fail. This will spell the end of your unit. Drill your forces until they hate you for it, and then drill some more.
Page 87: The Light Spear is integral, for without it we are forced to rely on either firearm or melee combat, rather than both. Our ancestors developed the plasmic-formed zerchesium spears to be perfect all-purpose weapons, and we shame them by forgetting what was sacrificed in their invention. The Ten-Generation War proved that our might was virtually unassailable to the enemy. The doctrine works. Adhere to it, or perish to the Great Enemy.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool