A study in Floran Weaponry (codex)

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Item icon randombook15-codex.png
A study in Floran Weaponry (codex)
An in-depth analysis
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 0
ID randombook15-codex
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An alarming discovery was recently made while spying in a Floran collective. A row of Floran warriors were lined up, which was normal enough; what wasn't was the weaponry they bared.For one, it was the array of weaponry; several tech levels higher than would be assumed for them.

The second, and more harrowing realization was as such: The weapons were being operated by their POWERFUL THIGHS. One appeared to be an ordinary disc fed machine gun; operated by an accordion pump apparatus. The second was much more intimidating, taking the appearance of a buckshot

shell inflated until with a loud retort scattering the entire payload across a scarecrow target. The most fearsome however, was the cannon. Even if it only shot round shot, it did cut though an entire cornfield as if it was merely the air.

Retreating to my scout ship wasn't going to be a quiet thing for sure, the sound of their weapon tests ringing out, rocking the air, and shaking my very being. Leaving their jungle huts safely out of my sight, it was only upon reaching the clearing where I had parked my shuttle that it now became clear that my choice of parking spot was a dire mistake. My personal shuttle, dented and firmly smashed up by runaway cannonballs, several of her systems damaged, the orbital engines nearly critically so. As I flee this planet of the damned, projectile warnings ring out from my Bitching Betty unit. But my shuttle is too damaged for anything but the laziest of evasions, I pray aloud that my ship won't be struck; the ablative plating already having been crumpled into a very expensive ball.

Suddenly, a lurch! A cannonball which had been wedged in the underside of my ship gave to the forces of gravity, freeing some weight. I'll be needing my brown jumpsuit now. I can only hope that CentComm is willing to investigate into this new mad breed of weapon...

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool