Protheon, Mystery Substance (codex)

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Item icon randombook19-codex.png
Protheon, Mystery Substance (codex)
They don't want us to know.
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 0
ID randombook19-codex
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Nobody in the known galaxy has any clue what it is, or where it comes from. Possessing strange qualities that enable it to affect reality around it seemingly at random, Protheon remains the most sought resource in existence.

Of course, you have likely never before even heard of this material. They don't want you to know the truth. I heard it from someone that worked high up in the Ministry of Knowledge: they theorize that the bizarre element is capable of transcending reality as we know it.

What does this mean? Well, my friends, brace yourself: It means that it has touched numerous realities like ours...yet not like ours. And when it crosses those thresholds between worlds, they carry the information and energy from other dimensions along with them.

There is simply no telling what could be accomplished with the substance. I've seen it alter time in minute ways within its sphere of influence. I've seen it affect gravity. I've even seen it repair dead tissue back to living status.

How to obtain


Treasure pool