Human. What? (codex)

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Human. What? (codex)
Fenerox views on Human
Category codex
Rarity rare
Price 2
ID fenerox10-codex
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First we are not believing more than one ape is having enough think to make ships for space. And then we is meeting Human. Human is...different. Not Apex scary murder. More...sneaky? Not trust, because using teeth to make many gestures. Also, too much chest and leg muscles. Not normal.

Humans still quite interesting, despite muscles and teeth-display for happy. Humans generally treat nice. One said we as people is 'cute'. Unsure what this means, but assume is respect sign. He then pet me under chin. I like pets under chin. But why is human attempt mating ritual with me? Is wanting baby-make with foreign species? Is human do this? Why?

Also, human seem to not care what place is living in. Always adapts. Puts on many layers, walks into danger without think. Somehow survive and be stronger. Respect. But also fear.

How to obtain


Lorewalker's Shop


Treasure pool